Victrola Joins Denver's Rocky Mountain Record Show

Victrola will be hosting a table at the now legendary Rocky Mountain Record Show held February 18th and 19th at the Denver Sports Castle at 1000 North Broadway. We will show our brand new Stream Onyx Works with Sonos turntable, the original flagship Stream Carbon, and the latest lineup from Victrola.
Come check out the selection of curated vinyl from over 50 sellers and collectibles, posters, and more. If you are a serious collector and want the first crack at the selections, we highly recommend Saturday's VIP ticket, which gives you a jump on the rest of the crowds with early entry.
The RMRS caters to vinyl lovers of all ages and tastes; whether you are looking for rare jazz grooves, obscure soundtracks, or want to stock up on some back catalog releases, it's all here.
The Victrola team will also be in the mix, and we will be digging for our favorite tunes, posting our favorite finds on social media, and showcasing some of our favorite sellers. So if you can't make it down or live too far away, follow our socials at @victrolaplayers.
What does a typical day look like at RMRS?
Everyone is different, so we put together what we think is the perfect two days at the show, along with some pro tips; after all, this is our third time attending, so we've learned a thing or two.
VIP kick-off: If you are lucky enough to get one of these tickets, this is a sprint for the primo picks that await you. This portion of the show is a sprint, not a marathon, so eat a good breakfast, load up on coffee, and get ready for the hunt.
Protip - If you are looking for something specific and have a set list of what are likely to be harder to find records, make a list and keep it handy. Start with asking the vendor if they have it; chances are they will probably be able to direct you to what you are seeking.
Lunch/Beers/Listen: After your mad max vinyl hunt, you will want to take a breather and stash the records you have purchased so far in your car. Carrying more than ten records around starts to weigh you down, making digging more challenging.
So take a breather, listen to the well-curated vinyl-only DJs, and have a beer (and water). Oh yeah, you are probably going to be starving, so make sure you hit that food truck.
The second half: Now that the mad dash is over and done with, it's time to be a little more methodical and slow your roll, errr, your dig. During the mad dash of the show's first half, many attendees miss some of the best stuff in their haste, or they simply weren't looking for it in the first place.
Protip - Don't assume the music you are looking for is what everyone else is looking for; you might get fortunate!
Day 2: This is the first time they have had a second day of this show, so it will likely be slower, and this is where you can kick it into slow-motion mode. Flip through everything you can, and often you will find something you didn't even know you wanted, or better yet, something you did want that just happened to be stuck in the wrong section.
Protip - Always check out the soundtrack section; there are some gems in there from some of your favorite artists you never knew did soundtracks in the first place. Oh, and some of those weird lounge and exotica records, perfect for any tropical gathering you might be planning.
We would love to hear about what you find this year, so follow us on IG, FB, and TikTok to share your black gold finds.
Happy hunting!
More info here: